Work & Decoration

Reinvent and enhance your property
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Travaux et décoration

An advisor at your disposal and listening to you

CHIC Immobilier does not consider a real estate project as a sale or a purchase. We accompany you and guide you from the first thought to the projection, through advice. Your only contact, your project manager, is entirely dedicated to what will be your new home.

Travaux et décoration

A considerable saving of time

Our philosophy is to allow you to project yourself, without any stress, in your future home. Following a construction site requires time, investment and patience. Your project manager will be there to follow the construction with regularity and thus avoid unpleasant surprises.

Travaux et décoration

The finishing touches

To ensure that the result is as good as you expect, we will accompany you right up to the delivery of the building site. Even better, CHIC Immobilier will hand you the keys to your new cozy nest, having taken care to check all the finishing touches beforehand. All you have to do is enjoy your new life.

Would you like a quote ?

Our team is at your disposal to discuss your project and your expectations. We will then be able to offer you an estimate and projections according to your expectations.

Contact us for an appointment !

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